
Celebrating30YearsofDiscovery...OnApril24,1990,thespaceshuttleDiscoveryliftedofffromEarthwithitspreciouscargo,theHubbleSpaceTelescope.,哈伯太空望遠鏡自1990年被成功發射送入軌道迄今,轉眼已經走過了30個年頭。在這段期間,它拍攝並傳送回無數令人摒息的珍貴照片,諸如眾多的行星、遙遠的衛星、活躍的小行星 ...,,賴詠丰睡墊是出去野外十分實用的用品,除了可以避免使用者直接接觸到地面,它的鋁箔面更可以反射冷熱...

Hubble 30th Anniversary

Celebrating 30 Years of Discovery ... On April 24, 1990, the space shuttle Discovery lifted off from Earth with its precious cargo, the Hubble Space Telescope.

HUBBLE LEGACY哈伯宇宙望遠鏡30年紀錄寫真專集

哈伯太空望遠鏡自1990年被成功發射送入軌道迄今,轉眼已經走過了30個年頭。在這段期間,它拍攝並傳送回無數令人摒息的珍貴照片,諸如眾多的行星、遙遠的衛星、活躍的小行星 ...

Hubble 30 圖文專輯(三)

賴詠丰睡墊是出去野外十分實用的用品,除了可以避免使用者直接接觸到地面,它的鋁箔面更可以反射冷熱輻射,在天文社可以說是不可或缺的,出外觀測星星時, ...

Hubble's 30th Anniversary

In 2020, the Hubble Space Telescope achieves its 30th year in orbit. Hubble's unique design, allowing it to be repaired and upgraded with advanced ...

哈勃太空望遠鏡30周歲紀念— 給自己的生日禮物

哈勃望遠鏡(Hubble)30年前的4月25日誕生。 作為天文望遠鏡家族的老前輩,哈勃的生日可以算重要日子。它給自己的慶生禮物是發回一組璀璨的星圖,再次 ...

哈伯望遠鏡30 週年− NASA 開放查詢個人「生日當天」宇宙 ...

說到人類探測宇宙的儀器,腦海裡一定會瞬間想到鼎鼎大名的「哈伯太空望遠鏡」(the Hubble Space Telescope),自從1990 年當上太空服役至今,已過去30 ...

Hubble Legacy

This is the definitive book on the Hubble Space Telescope, written by noted astronomer Jim Bell. Looking deep into space, by definition, means looking back ...

Celebrating 30 years of the Hubble Space Telescope

In April 2020, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope will celebrate 30 years since its launch. During the 1970s, NASA and ESA began planning for a space ...

Hubble's 30th Anniversary

The Hubble Space Telescope celebrates its 30th year in orbit in 2020. This page contains Hubble's 30th anniversary graphics and other downloadable resources ...